What we believe



We believe in God, the creator of heaven and earth, who is One God and three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He has all life and fullness in himself, but freely determines to share that life and fulness with us in creation and redemption.

The Bible

We believe the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired word of God, and are the only infallible and sufficient guide for faith and life.

The Gospel

We desire to place the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of all we do. We have rebelled against God, and because of that we live in a state of sin and misery, and deserving of God’s just punishment. But God, in his free mercy and grace, determined to save us from that sad state, through his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully God, and so he is able, in his power and fullness of life, to accomplish what we could not. He is fully man, and so he is able to stand in our place, restoring us to be what we were meant to be. This is the Gospel! The good news that we have the forgiveness of our sins, reconciliation with God, and everything we need only in Jesus and because of him. He is the way, the truth, and the light, and in him we have the forgiveness of sins, justification, sanctification, and abundant life. He has accomplished our salvation and we participate in his gracious and free work by faith alone. The Gospel is at the center of our relationship with God, and our relationship with each other.

The Reformed Faith

We believe that this gospel is most clearly expressed in what is called the “Reformed” faith. To be a Reformed church means two things. First, it means that we believe that the faith as it is expressed in the confessions and time of the 16th and 17th century is most faithful to the biblical teaching. Second, we believe that, because we are still sinners, we must always be reforming our beliefs and lives according to Scripture.

We believe the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms best summarize the teaching of Scripture. They are not inspired or equal with Scripture. Rather, they are an open statement and summary of what we believe the Bible says.

You can read our confessional standards here.